Royal Recognition For Devan’s Work

Royal Recognition For Devan’s Work Royal Recognition For Devan’s Work

An East Riding College student has taken part in a video conference with HRH the Prince of Wales as part of a national anti-bullying campaign.

Devan Witter, 17, from Market Weighton, was selected for the Google Hangout, which also featured Alex Jones from the BBC’s The One Show, as a result of work he has been doing for the Step Up To Serve charity.

He has been working as an ambassador for its #iwill campaign, sharing his experience of being bullied earlier in his teenage years by speaking at schools in the region.

The 30-minute Hangout was streamed live from Clarence House on the British Monarchy YouTube channel to raise awareness of the work of the charity and the social action carried out by Devan and four more young people.

Devan, a business student at the College’s Beverley campus, said:

“I found that today’s Hangout with HRH Prince of Wales was amazing – it really helped me to raise more awareness about bullying and also social action.

“Today’s Hangout also helped me to get a better understanding of the other young people involved with social action and the great work they also get up to.

“I was quite nervous about taking part in an interview with someone who is a huge authority figure – but I am very happy with the end result and still can’t believe I was asked to take part.”

The #iwill campaign aims to encourage young people to take part in social action. Youth social action is defined as “young people taking practical action in the service of others”, such as volunteering, fundraising or campaigning.

#iwill also promotes the fact that social action not only benefits the young participants but also strengthens their communities.

Since launching, Step Up To Serve and #iwill have helped secure significant new funding for youth social action, as well as support from over 100 business, education, faith and voluntary sector organisations.

Tracy Underwood, enrichment officer at the College, said: “The work that Devan has developed is marvellous for young people and teaching staff around the anti-bullying agenda.

“He works very hard at raising awareness of the signs and effects of bullying with his website and work with young people.

“He is also a valued member of the College’s Help Crew which has been developed to support new learners at the College and various events.

“Devan did a great job talking with Alex Jones and HRH Prince Charles and dealt with it like a real professional.”

The full Hangout and more about Devan’s work can be found at

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