Enjoy Some Pre-Christmas Mayhem As Mik Returns To Beverley

Enjoy Some Pre-Christmas Mayhem As Mik Returns To Beverley

Following on from their hugely successful night at Farthing’s Steak Emporium Mik returns for pre-Christmas mayhem at Beverley Rugby Club for more music, laughter, and Straws.

December 20th the act that got people dancing n the tables is making its second appearance in Beverley as local Mark Kelly continues his in building their fan base. Mark said;

“I have been brought in to help the band raise their profile through 2015.We are looking at a small pre-festival season tour early in the year.

“After that we are embarking on the summer festivals, Glastonbury already having been confirmed, their 8th consecutive year.”

“The response the boys got from the Farthing’s gig was incredible. They were re-booked the very next day by Dave Price. They will now play the more conventional and slightly bigger venue of the rugby club a chance Mik jumped at.”

A three piece, of guitar, bass, and Mik himself on keyboard, tambourine & crook-lock whilst telling /singing his everyday observational tales, the band never fail to leave smiles on the faces of all who witness the mayhem they create.

Singing, ad-libbing, losing things, finding them again, throwing straws all over the place, dancing and clowning around, Mik involves all around him, while Jonny and Ben hang on his every word, both unsure of where he is going next – Mik generally doesn’t even know himself.

Mark hopes on the night local music event organisers will come along and see the show with a view to getting them on their play lists, he said;

“We are hoping that representatives of the local Cornucopia & Beverley Folk Festivals will be amongst the audience with a view to the Ego Trip being considered for their respective 2015 festivals.”

Mark added;

“This is a great precursor to Christmas, and a great option to the madness of Beverley Town Centre on the last Saturday before Christmas.”

Tickets for the Christmas Party that takes place on the December 20th from 7.30pm cost £15. They can be purchased by calling Mark on 07989 946718 or Dave on 07943 593600

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