Tesco Customers Donate 1267kg Of Food To Help Feed People In Need

Tesco Customers Donate 1267kg Of Food To Help Feed People In Need

Tesco’s Neighbourhood Food Collection took place in stores across the UK from November 24th to November 29th and proved to be a tremendous success.

Customers at Tesco’s Beverley store on Morton Lane donated 1267kg of food, which Tesco will top up by 30%. This will allow our local foodbank to distribute around 400 meals to local people in need over the next few weeks.

Dave Ryley, Tesco Beverley’s Community Champion, said:

“We would like to thank all of our customers who supported our collection. Thanks to your fantastic generosity, we can provide much needed food for hundreds of local people this Christmas.”

“We would also like to thank all the volunteers from the Beverley branch of the Holderness Foodbank who helped with the collection throughout the week.”

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