Residents Remind Rathlin Energy They Are Not Welcome In East Riding

Residents Remind Rathlin Energy They Are Not Welcome In East Riding

Residents from Beverley and the surrounding villages joined protesters at Crawberry Hill Camp in Walkington as they looked to remind Rathlin Energy that as far as they are concerned they are not welcome in the East Riding.

Jon Mager and Valerie Mager who have been very vocal  and proactive in fight against fracking in Walkington braved the cold weather to join the protest.

Speaking about the protest held at Crawberry Hill Jon said;

“We joined with local residents as we do every Saturday and Monday morning to remind Rathlin and passing motorists about the two greatest threats to the East Riding – the risk of losing pure water supplies and the dangers of flooding from climate change caused by fossil fuels.”

“These issues threaten everyone whether they live in the wealthier villages of the East Riding or the Swinemoor Estate in Beverley which is why we have always tried to unite people of every political or religious belief, or none.”

“It is great to see local Labour and Green supporters working together and we have met many Conservative and Lib-Dem voters who support the anti-fracking cause regardless of the short-sightedness of their leaders.”

“The current fall in world oil and gas prices is threatening the future of companies like Rathlin; the only way forward is urgent development of renewables to ensure safe, secure energy and employment in the region.”

Rathlin Energy, the company who are exploring for shale gas and other energy sources in East Yorkshire have again been accused of not playing fair in other places they are prospecting, Jon said;

“Latest news from Northern Ireland is that Rathlin, having promised not to frack there have gone back on their word, just like Third Energy applying to frack in Ryedale, less than 30 miles away – can anyone believe a word these oil companies say?”

Rathlin Energy maintain they are not fracking and have no intention of fracking and are merely in Walkington conducting exploration work.

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. I would have thought that many people would welcome industry into East Yorkshire. Fracking seems to have produced great results in other parts of the world, it appears to be a better answer to providing fuel than wind turbines and nobody seems to object to them being produced in East Yorkshire.

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