Oil Delivery Sparks Eviction Fears At Anti Fracking Camp

Oil Delivery Sparks Eviction Fears At Anti Fracking Camp

Fears from protesters at Crawberry Hill Protection Camp that they were about to have they site dismantled turned out to be a false alarm.

After the arrival of a number of police officers concerns grew at the site in Walkington that East Riding of Yorkshire Council were about to take action to remove their tents, caravans and other structures.

Police were on site to maintain the peace and over see a delivery of fuel to the site operated by Rathlin Energy.

Anti fracking campaigners have been staging an ongoing protest targeting Rathlin Energy who they say are planning to begin fracking in Walkington.

Yesterday the East Riding of Yorkshire Council issued a statement in which they said unless the camp site was cleared they would step and issue the protesters with a bill for the cleanup.

Jon Mager feels that fact the camp is still there even though the deadline has past highlights the camp cannot be that much of a risk to the public, he said;

“If the camp is as dangerous as East Riding of Yorkshire Council say they would have acted urgently to remove it. It could be they have seen sense and are discussing with the solicitor the legality of their case.”

Interaction between the police and the protesters was in the main very civil with only one reported arrest.

However Mr Mager felt the number of police officers at the Crawberry Hill site today was excessive, he said;

“It is ludicrous to have 20 police officers to deliver oil, this is unless they are using today as a rehearsal for the eviction.”

As the lorry making the delivery left the site the protesters did attempt to block its passage though the police quickly intervened allowing the vehicle to leave site.

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