Following the withdrawal of the preferred supermarket operator on the Grovehill Site in Beverley, what the plans are for the future of the site has been of great concern to local residents and Ward Member Councillor David Elvidge.
In an effort to obtain some clarity on the likely future, Councillor Elvidge put a question to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stephen Parnaby at Full Council on Wednesday 7 January. Councillor Parnaby informed the Council of proposed modifications which would see a mix of retail and employment.
Cllr Elvidge commented on the response;
“I believe, overall, this is good news in that the retail development that was muted will not now take place. I am, however, very much aware that recent media statements regarding the site have all been about the impact this would have had on the town centre with no mention of our residents and I hope we can now look at what our town needs and how it will affect the people in our area.”
“Residents have expressed great interest in the site possibly including a nature trail of some kind. This would, I believe, enhance any development and so I hope anyone looking at the site will, from the start, engage with residents and Ward Councillors on this point.”