Beverley Minster Choir Recruiting More Young Singers

Beverley Minster Choir Recruiting More Young Singers

Beverley Minster choir is looking to recruit some more young singers, boys and girls, to fill its ranks this year and is holding an audition day this Saturday (February 7th).

Every year many members have to leave as their voices change or they move into further education. This month the choir is looking for their 2015 replacements to maintain and even improve on last year’s high standards.

The quality of the choir is recognised nationally. In the past year the choir has sung with Russell Watson, been on tour to the West Country and sung in York Minster as part of a choral festival.

Minster Musical Director Robert Poyser describes the 2014 choir as being of very good quality by national standards, and says that choir experience for children can be invaluable in life, helping them to relate to people of all ages and helping develop musical, mental and mathematical skills.

The choir is looking for boys and girls aged 7 and upwards who would like to learn in an environment where they are treated like adults. They are paid for their singing and are also offered a range of social events including the well-established annual trip to the pantomime, and a chance to sing at other venues.

To meet the people behind the choir and to book a slot on Saturday 7th February between 10am and 4pm to demonstrate their abilities just telephone Beverley Minster Parish Office on 01482 868540 or email

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