Work On Major New £6.75m Extra Care Housing Scheme Progressing Well

Work On Major New £6.75m Extra Care Housing Scheme Progressing Well

A major new £6.75m development in Beverley designed to help older people live independently is on track for completion by late spring/early summer 2015.

Once complete the extra care housing scheme, on Burden Road, will provide 40 two-bedroom apartments for older people. Care and support tailored to the needs of residents will be provided on site, along with communal facilities.

In addition to £1m of central government funding from the Department of Health, the scheme is being funded by East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s capital programme and borrowing.

The development is being designed and managed by the council’s infrastructure and facilities team who worked closely with Adult Services prior to the start of construction to ensure the finished facility will meet all the needs of its prospective tenants.

Councillor Symon Fraser, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s portfolio holder for environment, housing and planning, said: “This investment is taking place because the Council has a firm grip on its finances and is able to plan for the future taking the opportunity to provide affordable rented accommodation that will help older people to lead independent lives.

“This scheme will not only provide modern, spacious and affordable housing for older people but also employment and training opportunities for the local area.”

The construction work, which is being carried out by Geo. Houlton & Sons Ltd, started in January 2014 and is progressing well.

The external wall, roof coverings and photovoltaic solar panels are complete, while work to install external windows and balconies is underway.

Internally all the structural walls are complete, the under floor heating and floor screeds are almost complete, while mechanical and electrical works to the apartments and communal areas are in progress.

Work is underway on the installation of lightweight partition walls on the ground and first floors, with the plastering due to start shortly. All mains services are currently being installed.

Richard Houlton, Chairman of Geo. Houlton & Sons Ltd said: “It is a pleasure for us to be involved in such a major new development for Beverley that will benefit local residents. Our team has been working hard, the project has been progressing well, and we are on track to hit the completion date.”

Extra care sheltered housing seeks to allow people with care and support needs to live independently in self contained apartments which in turn reduces admissions to hospitals and residential care homes.

Plans for the scheme came after the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s strategy scheme identified a need for an older person’s extra care scheme in Beverley.

Councillor Richard Harrap, the council’s portfolio holder for adult and carer services said: “One year on from the start of the works it is fantastic to see this major new scheme really taking shape.

“Once complete it will undoubtedly help older people to live as independently as possible which is so important.

“With an ageing population living in the East Riding, investment in this type of supported affordable housing is crucial and will certainly reduce the pressure on carers and families.”

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