The Junior Road Safety Officers and Junior Cycle Champions led by Road Safety Champion Wendy Copley, organised their annual Healthy Heart Walk to local shops.
This event was to encourage walking, cycling and scooting to help maintain a healthy heart , and also Stay Safe near roads.Local dignitaries from ERYC were invited to take part in the whole school initiative.
Throughout the week pupils have been looking at maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise, also monitoring changes in heart rate before, during and after exercise.
Classes have been discussing the benefits of walking, cycling and scooting to school, whilst trying to leave the car at home or walking part of the way. Tesco in Beverley are very pro active in promoting healthy options to diet and lifestyle. Dave Ryley Tesco community champion has encouraged parents to Park and Stride to St. Mary’s CE school on numerous walking events.
Pupils created banners to advertise the walk and it’s benefits.
Donations were collected on the day for the British Heart Foundation and Pancreatic cancer Action.