An announcement that Longcroft School is to undergo a major rebuild has been welcomed by Denis Healy, Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Beverley & Holderness.
The news was announced on 9th February by the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.
Mr Healy said;
“Longcroft School is a great school but the investment in new buildings is urgently needed. Once the work is carried out, local children will benefit enormously.”
“This investment is happening because education has been a top priority for Liberal Democrat’s in Government. We have protected the budget for schools from cuts because children’s education is vital to all our futures.”
“We have provided an extra £2 billion for schools to spend on the poorest kids, ensuring all children have the best start in life.”
“Now, we are going even further – rebuilding schools that are in a poor state of repair. All this has happened because the Liberal Democrat ‘s are in Government and are investing in our children’s future.”
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said;
“It is crucial that we invest properly in education, so that every child has a fair start in life. Thousands of pupils will benefit from better, brighter, warmer classrooms thanks to this funding.”
“Children can’t learn and teachers can’t teach in schools that are cold and have leaking roofs.”
While Mr Healy has welcomed the news regarding the cash windfall he was quick to stress that any monies should be invested in the school and not used to fund housing, he said;
“There is a lot of new housing developments in Beverley at the moment. While I understand there is need for affordable housing what they are building are luxury detached homes.”
“It is very important this money is used to fund education and put into the school and not used to fund housing development projects.”
“The priority is the education of our children, not new homes.”
I am extremly concerned that everyone has been asked to stand outside Longcrfot for a photo and I haven’t…………