I Have Some Unfinished Business at The Game Bird Says Shane Tate

I Have Some Unfinished Business at The Game Bird Says Shane Tate

A week after it was officially opened The Game Bird on Holme Church Lane, Beverley say that business has been good.

Earlier this month the new owners, Batemans re-opened the Beverley boozer. Jaclyn Bateman told HU17.net;

“Things have gone really well, myself and everyone at Batemans is very excited about opening our first pub in Beverley.”

“Traditionally whenever we have sold our beers in Beverley, they have been really popular, so we are feeling very positive about The Game Bird and think it will be a massive success.”

Batemans Managing Director, Stuart Bateman echoed his sister’s feelings. At the launch night, he pointed out the importance the community will play in the future of the business, he said;

“There has been a lot of support for the pub. It is important for us that this in not someone week wonder. People in Beverley seem genuinely to want us to succeed.”

“The enthusiasm the locals have shown has helped this happen now it is down to keep supporting the pub. We are certainly pleased to be trading in town that is clearly on the up and going places.”

Chef Shane Tate says is pleased to be back to finish what he sees as ‘unfinished business’ speaking to HU17.net he said;

“When I saw they were advertising the job, I really wanted to get it. They did not just re employ me, I had to go through the whole process that included a cook off.”

“What you have here at The Game Bird is a state-of-the-art kitchen. I feel I still have a point to prove here and have some unfinished business here at The Game Bird. I am so pleased to be working here.”

“Stuart has outlined his plans, and I am very happy with them. While we have reduced the cost of food, we continue to source produce from local suppliers so it is of the highest quality.”

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