The final indoor winter meeting of Bishop Burton Gardeners’ Club for 2014/15 will take place on Tuesday 7th April 2015 at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Parish Hall, North Bar Within, Beverley.
The meeting will feature a presentation entitled “Auriculas – their history, care and cultivation” which will be given by Drointon Nursery from Ripon. Drointon Nursery is often display their plants at the Harrogate and Malvern Spring Flower Shows. This year, for the first time, they will also be present at Chelsea Flower Show.
The club have also published its programme of summer garden visits details of which have been sent to members or will be available at their April meeting.
Membership of the club is £15 per year or non-members are welcome to attend for a £4 entry fee.
For any further information about the club’s activities, please contact the Chair on 01482 865432.