Find Out About Childcare Degrees At Open Evening

Find Out About Childcare Degrees At Open Evening

An open evening for people who want to develop their career in childcare will be held at East Riding College, Beverley, from 4pm to 7pm on Wednesday, April 22.

The event will be an opportunity to find out more about the College’s Degree and Foundation Degree in Early Childhood Policy and Practice.

The foundation degree course is available at the College’s Beverley and Bridlington campuses and can be studied full-time over two years and part-time over three.

The one year “top-up” degree, which follows on from the foundation degree and results in a full BA degree, is available at Beverley only.

Lecturer Sophie May said: “The aim of these courses is to equip students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to meet the increasing demand on people working with children aged up to six years old.

“They are designed to support childcare practitioners who want to progress their development and pursue some of the opportunities available.”

She added:

“Enrolling for a higher education course at East Riding College means you can study locally, around your work and family commitments and for much less than going away to university.

“You will be part of a small group of learners and have lots of time with your tutor, ensuring that you have the support you need to achieve the best results possible.”

Modules on the foundation degree and degree courses include child development and early learning; observing and assessing young children; special educational needs or managing an early childhood setting; inclusive practice; aspects of professional practice – work-based learning; safeguarding and partnership approaches; early years curriculum; effective pedagogy; play and early learning; and reflective learning in study and at work.

Courses involve a range of assessment techniques such as essays and reports, presentations, examinations, learning logs and professional development portfolios.

For more information, call Sophie May on 0845 120 0037 or email

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