Free Taster Sessions Give Insight Into Sport Degrees

Free Taster Sessions Give Insight Into Sport Degrees

People who are interested in degrees in sport can take part in three free taster sessions at East Riding College next month.

They will cover topics such as nutrition, treatment of injuries and exercise psychology, and are open to anyone who would like to attend.

The taster sessions will include a range of activities to observe such as a nutrition lecture, practical student assessments relating to injury management and student presentation assessments on exercise psychology.

Programme leader Abigail Brunton said: “These taster sessions will give prospective students a real insight into the kinds of topics which our higher level sports courses cover.

“They are also an opportunity to see our excellent facilities, meet our tutors and ask any questions you might have about the courses and the potential career opportunities associated with them.”

East Riding College runs a Foundation Degree in Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, which can be studied for two years on a full-time basis or three years part-time at the Beverley and Bridlington campuses.

This can be followed by a “top-up” course which results in a full BSc degree and can be studied for one year full-time or two years part-time, again at the Beverley or Bridlington campus.

Higher education courses at the College result in the same qualifications as going to university but with lower course fees and high levels of contact time with tutors.

The taster sessions will be held as follows:

• Thursday May 7, 9am to 11am at St Mary’s Walk, Bridlington: Nutritional strategies for sports performance
• Monday May 11, 9am to 11am at St Mary’s Walk, Bridlington: The aetiology, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries in sport
Tuesday May 12, 9am to 11am at Gallows Lane, Beverley: Exercise psychology

The programme leader will also be available after the sessions to discuss the two courses and answer any questions.

For more information about sports degrees at East Riding College, go to or call 0845 120 0037.

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