Networking Event For Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinators

Networking Event For Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinators

Neighbourhood watch co-ordinators from across the East Riding attended a networking event organised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

The event enabled co-ordinators to arm themselves with more information and tips on how to keep their community safe.

The event also included a number of talks from partner organisations including Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s trading standards, East Riding Voluntary Action
Services (ERVAS), the community payback team and Humberside Police.

Louise Duffy-Howard, co-ordinator of the Fairfield Neighbours Group gave a presentation on the benefits of going online and how to get started with a website and electronic newsletter.

Ray Grange, chairman of Beverley and District co-ordinators and partners’ panel spoke about the benefits of working as a district group.

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