Humberside Police Lanuch Summer Burglary Campaign

Humberside Police

Starting this week a two month long Summer Burglary Campaign with a focus of raising public awareness in burglary crime prevention, as well as the work the force does to tackle the offence and bring offenders to justice.

The summer brings much warmer weather, but also traditionally leads to a rise in the number of sneak-in burglaries i.e. burglars entering through open windows and doors to commit offences.

Between July and August last year a third of all burglaries were sneak-in offences – the force think these offences are avoidable.

There were 180 sneak-in offences in Humberside in July and August 2014 (36 in North East Lincolnshire; 23 in North Lincolnshire; 37 in East Yorkshire; and 77 in Hull) and the force doesn’t want to see similar levels of offences this year.

Detective Superintendent Dave Houchin, Humberside Police lead for Burglary said: “During my career I have lost count of the number of times I’ve heard people say – If they want to get in they’ll get in. This is a myth we really need to bust and push the fact that a huge proportion of these crimes are opportunist and wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t made easy.

“During the course of this campaign we will promote this message to the public and highlight the fact they have a big role to play in improving their own home security.”

“We will also highlight the excellent work undertaken by the force, councils and other partners to tackling burglary with details of activity undertaken to prevent and detect burglaries. However without everyone’s support in taking action to stop preventable crimes; sneak-in burglaries will continue to occur.”

During the course of the campaign the force will be showcasing activity it undertakes to bring offenders to justice, prevention crimes and deter the most prolific offenders in the area.

To assist the force the public should keep their properties secure, register property onto so it can be identified/returned if lost or stolen and by calling Humberside Police with information about criminality.

(See leaflets below for download linked to home security and property identification tools)

The public should call the police if they see people acting suspiciously in their community, if there is a burglary in progress or if they have details about those involved in criminality. This can be done this using 999 in an emergency, 101 in a non-emergency or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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