Beverley in Bloom Needs You

Beverley in Bloom Needs You

Beverley in Bloom is asking local residents, businesses, churches and community groups for their help in making the town look bright and beautiful for the Yorkshire in Bloom Judges’ visit on Monday 13th July.

The judges will be visiting on the afternoon of the 13th July and they will be assessing three key areas in the town; horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and community participation.

Yorkshire in Bloom Judges Jane Macaulay and Sheila Johnson are looking forward to making their summer visit to Beverley and are keen ‘to meet volunteers and members of the community who work so hard to enhance their beautiful town’.

Sheila said: “We will be looking for excellent floral displays from residents and local businesses and they will also be looking at ways in which Beverley cares for its local environment. Above all else, we as Judges would like to see how all sections of the community, and all age groups, are working together for the benefit of this beautiful and historic town.”

Yorkshire in Bloom organises annual competitions to encourage communities of whatever size; small villages, towns or a big city, to make a positive and lasting improvement to their local environment for the benefit of local people, and it is not just about planting flowers and hanging baskets, it’s also about community participation.

Mayor of Beverley and Chair of Beverley in Bloom, Cllr Peter Astell, said: “This is our chance to show the rest of Yorkshire what Beverley is made of. We should be proud of our town and of our ‘in Bloom’ activities, so we are asking everyone to please show your support by doing what you can to help us put our best foot forward to the judges. Simply keeping your garden or business premises neat and free of weeds and litter will make a big difference.

Peter continued: “The very nature of the ‘in Bloom’ campaign encourages and develops community spirit and civic pride whilst promoting responsibility for planting, cleanliness and maintenance. This in turn can boost the local economy through increased tourism, stimulates voluntary work and cooperation between community groups. So it makes sense for us as a town to support Beverley in Bloom’s efforts.”

People in the town are already doing their bit, with 54 businesses ordering summer hanging baskets to brighten up their premises from Beverley Town Council, and many residents entering their gardens into the annual Town Competition. The Town competition involves a Beverley in Bloom judges’ visit to entrants’ gardens in August, with the results announced at an awards ceremony at St. Mary’s Church Hall on 17th September.

As part of their visit to the town, Yorkshire in Bloom judges will also call at the ‘From Field to Table’ community training allotment plot at Sparkmill in Beverley, which has entered for the third year in the ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ category of the Yorkshire in Bloom campaign.

This training allotment plot is currently being utilised as an outdoor learning facility, by local charity FIND2, which provides a service designed to meet the needs of young adults with a learning disability, and support its students in gaining a range of skills to promote independence, choice and control. It is hoped that the community training allotment plot will be judged as ‘Outstanding’ this year, building on the assessment of ‘Thriving’ which was received in 2014.

Town Clerk Helen Watson said: “Beverley in Bloom is a volunteer group which is supported by Beverley Town Council. It works hard all year round to make Beverley brighter, for all those who work, live and visit the town. This summer judging day allows the group to showcase their hard work, and be judged against towns of a similar size across Yorkshire. The results of the Yorkshire in Bloom judging will be announced at the Annual Awards ceremony at York Racecourse on 8th September.

“The judges have already visited the town in April for Spring judging and their return in July will let them see the progress made by the in Bloom volunteer group in Summer.”

Yorkshire in Bloom is a registered charity and it’s the regional body representing the Britain in Bloom campaign organised by the Royal Horticultural Society.

For further information please contact: Beverley in Bloom, c/o Helen Watson, Town Clerk, Beverley Town Council, 12 Well Lane, Beverley, HU17 9BL or telephone 01482 874096.

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