Volunteering Project At Children’s Centre

Volunteering Project At Children's Centre

Nearly 50 pupils at Longcroft School and Sixth Form College took part in a youth volunteering project at Beverley Children’s Centre.

The Year 8 students  helped  to spruce up outdoor areas at the centre and adjoining youth  and family support service building.  The youngsters carried out a variety of tasks, including gardening, painting seating and clearing a patio area.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s  waste and recycling team helped out by supplying brown garden sacks and collecting the garden waste.

The clear-up event was held as part of the ‘Volunteen’ project run by East Riding volunteering group ERVAS.  The project is funded by the National Lottery to encourage volunteering among young people aged from 11 to 25 years.

Children’s centre leader Leone Deverson said:  “We are very grateful to the Longcroft students for coming along to the centre to help out.”

Kim Adams, leader of Longcroft’s Year 8, said: “The students worked incredibly hard all day and had smiles on their faces throughout. They were a credit to the school and showed how young people really do care about their communities.  All the young people who took part should be very proud of their hard work.”

For further details about the Volunteen project, email volunteen@ervas.org.uk, or telephone (01482) 871077.

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