The doors of East Riding Theatre will be open to the public to celebrate Yorkshire Day on 1 August. The cafe/bar will be open all day long for Yorkshire cakes, pastries and savoury treats on offer and lashings of Yorkshire beer for those wanting to toast their beloved county.
Live music and entertainment will play throughout the day, topped off with a very special performance from the Theatre’s Summer School students who will take to the ERT stage with an exclusive performance.
Yorkshire Day celebrates and promotes the history of Yorkshire. The event was launched in 1975 by the Yorkshire Ridings Society who signified the inaugural day in Beverley as a protest movement against the Local Government re-organisation of 1974. Today, many local businesses and organisations hold events to show appreciation for the County’s heritage.
East Riding Theatre director Sue Kirkman says:
“Yorkshire Day was initially launched in Beverley, so the theatre in the centre of the town is the perfect place to celebrate. Our cafe/bar is a cultural hub for the event and we have plenty of food and beverages available, plus entertainment for the whole family. It’s a great opportunity for the people of the town and of Yorkshire to get together and celebrate Yorkshire.”
“It is a great time for the County, especially with Hull winning the UK City of Culture bid and the Tour de Yorkshire, these events are inspiring people locally and there is a real sense of positivity that has given people something to get excited about. As a community hub we aim to provide a place where people can meet, socialise and celebrate regardless of their interest in the arts. We hope the day will bring plenty of newcomers here, because seeing is loving our theatre. Yorkshire Day also enables us to showcase talent that has been nurtured at the ERT summer school as students will be demonstrating their final piece in front of a live audience”
“The Andy Johnson drama school runs at the theatre from the week commencing 27 July and culminates with the performance on Yorkshire Day. The school is open to students aged 14 to 19 and consists of masterclasses and workshops for young actors who are looking for a challenge. The school is designed to hone physical, creative and vocal skills whilst dually developing youngsters as individuals and team players.”
Actor,writer, director and drama teacher Andy Johnson who is running the theatre’s drama school says:
“The workshop is ideal for youngsters looking to get into drama school. They will be taught how to give audition pieces in front of a live panel, work with professional actors and directors to create a real insight of what training to be an actor is like. The course will culminate in a public performance on Yorkshire Day where students will be able to celebrate, not only the county they live in, but the progress they have made as actors.”
Admission for the Yorkshire Day celebrations is FREE and will take place at the theatre on 1 August.
For more information on the Andy Johnson Drama School visit or call the theatre’s box office on 01482 874050