A1079 Carriageway Resurfacing – Bishop Burton To Deepdale Layby


East Riding of Yorkshire Council will be carrying out carriageway improvement works on the A1079 this summer between Bishop Burton village and the Deepdale layby (Highgate Junction), as part of its programme of highway maintenance works.

The works will consist of replacing the worn out carriageway surface and the foundation layer of macadam, replacing the road markings and cats eyes. Also, some works will be carried out to repair old gully and manhole covers in Bishop Burton village.

The works are due to start on Tuesday 25 August, and are scheduled to take up to six weeks to complete.

To minimise disruption to the travelling public, the works have been scheduled to take place at night, between 7pm and 6am. During the works, temporary traffic signals and a convoy system will be in operation to reduce the speed limit through the works, to protect both the public and workforce.

The work will be carried out by the council’s Streetscene services.

Councillor Andy Burton, portfolio holder for planning, highways and transportation, said:

“We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these essential works, but have ensured they have been scheduled overnight to minimise their effects on motorists. We would ask for patience during the works, and assure road users that this stretch of very busy road will be significantly improved on their completion.”

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