East Riding of Yorkshire residents are being encouraged to take control of their health as NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) launches a new brochure ‘Help Us to Help You – look after your own health’ as part of Self Care Week.
The NHS faces a number of big challenges with a growing population and increasing costs. The ‘Help Us to Help You’ brochure aims to raise awareness of how the CCG can help people to help themselves by supporting them to take greater control of their health and wellbeing. It provides information on how to self-care; reduce falls; manage long-term conditions; use NHS services appropriately and responsibly plus much more.
This year’s theme for Self-care week is ‘self-care for life’ highlighting ways people can stay well throughout the winter months by making simple lifestyle changes and improving their health for life.
‘Help Us to Help You’ highlights how common ailments and illnesses can be cared for by a well-stocked medicine cabinet without the need for antibiotics and that there is expert medical advice readily available from community pharmacists.
Dr Gina Palumbo, local GP and East Riding of Yorkshire CCG Chair said: “By supporting people to help themselves we can not only improve the quality of life for individuals but also use NHS services even more effectively, particularly with winter approaching when we all know our A&E services and GPs face huge demands.
“However it’s not just about winter, it’s about changing the attitudes towards health and ensuring people are educated throughout life and given the tools and resources to be confident in looking after themselves, taking healthy lifestyle choices with health and care services working for them when needed.
‘Help Us to Help You’ is a great opportunity to highlight how we can all play our part by taking better long-term care of ourselves.”
“Copies of the ‘Help Us to Help You’ brochure are being distributed to GP surgeries throughout the East Riding of Yorkshire and we hope that people will take time to read the information and take actions that will help to improve their health and wellbeing.”
For more information on how to self-care read ‘Help Us to Help You’ brochure.