Afternoon Digni-Tea in Beverley

Afternoon Digni-Tea in Beverley

Carers and the cared for are invited to enjoy a cuppa and a chat at an afternoon tea being hosted by the East Riding Carers Support Service to mark Dignity Action Day.

Dignity Action Day, which takes place on Monday 1 February, is an annual opportunity for everyone to play their part in upholding people’s rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for those who use care services.

It is part of the Dignity in Care campaign which aims to put dignity and respect at the heart of UK care services and in the hearts, minds and actions of the public.

The national campaign has over 58,000 registered Dignity Champions who are part of a movement working to ensure people have a good experience of care when they need it.

To mark the event the Carers Support Service are inviting the public, including carers and those they care for, to call into their offices at 18 Wednesday Market, Beverley (HU17 0DJ) between 1pm and 4pm on Monday 1 February where cake and tea will be served.

Members of the Carers Support Service will also be on hand to chat about the help and support that is available to carers across the East Riding.

Councillor Richard Harrap, portfolio holder for adult and carer services, said: “I would encourage everyone to get involved in Dignity Action Day because everyone, regardless of age or disability, should be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

“We have around 3,700 registered carers and an estimated 38,000 ‘hidden’ unregistered carers living in the East Riding.

“I would encourage anyone who wants to find out more about the support available to carers in the East Riding, or about how they too can get involved in Dignity Action Day, to attend this afternoon tea event.”

Further information about Dignity Action Day, including events taking place in your area or how you can become a ‘Dignity Champion’, visit the website

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