Defibrillator Installed at Beverley Leisure Complex

Defibrillator Installed at Beverley Leisure Complex

Beverley’s MP, Graham Stuart, who is always highlighting the need for more public access defibrillators as part of his HEART campaign, inspected the new defibrillator at Beverley Leisure Complex last Friday.

Graham said;

“The British Heart Foundation estimates that after a heart attack, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces someone’s chance of survival by 10 per cent. Being able to make a dash to the Leisure Complex to get this defibrillator and rush back with it to a cardiac arrest victim could save a life. I am pleased to congratulate everyone whose hard work has resulted in this new piece of life-saving equipment which is available for everyone in the community to use.

“I’d especially like to mention Coby Kemp and Stuart Armstrong from the Leisure Complex, and local residents Oliver Johnston and Rowena Pearce. I hope everyone passing by will familiarise themselves with its location on the outside of the field sports club’s changing rooms. You can’t miss the big yellow box.”

Oliver Johnston said;

“I use the facilities at the Bevelrey Leisure Centre and spoke to Stuart Armstrong last year about a public access defibrillator. I was really pleased how seriously he took the issue and made it happen. The proximity of the Leisure Centre to the new Flemingate development means that the effective coverage area of this vital piece of life-saving equipment is considerably increased.”

Rowena Pearce of Molescroft said;

“I’ve been campaigning for more defibrillators in and around Beverley for several years. With the help of Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Beverley Lions and the Smile Foundation defibrillators are slowly becoming a common sight in many neighbourhoods. I’m very pleased to have been part of the team, led and driven forward by Stuart Armstrong, which has brought this defibrillator to the leisure centre.”

Stuart Armstrong, Assistant Manager of the Beverley Leisure Complex commented;

“It’s great having this new public access defibrillator available for everyone to use in an emergency, 24 hours a day. We’ve got a defibrillator inside the Complex, with trained lifeguards ready to help out if there’s an emergency while we’re open.”

“But until Rowena Pearce jumped into action to raise the funds for one on the outside of the building, there wasn’t one for the community to use. The Beverley Lions and The Smile Foundation are doing a brilliant job in helping to finance the roll-out of public access defibrillators across the area. In my view, everyone should be living within a couple of minutes of one.”

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