Progress On Extending The Beverley Controlled Parking Zone

Progress On Extending The Beverley Controlled Parking Zone

Following approval by East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Cabinet last week, proposals for an extension of the Beverley Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) are continuing to progress.

Residents of the streets affected are receiving letters from the council this week to inform them of proposals specific to their particular street, following the completion of public consultation in the area, which was funded by the developers of the new Flemingate site.

In total, 420 responses were received to the consultation, of which 72% were in favour of the proposals for the extended Zone. The responses were analysed on a street by street basis, and in general, where the majority of responses were in favour of the proposals, it is intended to extend the CPZ into that street.

Some minor changes to parking bay lengths have been made to reflect specific comments. Based on the feedback received, some areas are not included in the CPZ area, and they will be monitored for parking issues and feedback from residents and businesses over the next year, and may have the opportunity to be added to the CPZ in the future, subject to further consultation and available funding.

The Traffic Regulation Order for the revised proposals will be advertised over the next three weeks to allow for formal comments, support or objections to be considered. If the Order is approved, the scheme is likely to be implemented from late May / early June.

Councillor Andy Burton, portfolio holder for planning, highways and transportation, said:

“I am very pleased that we have now got to this stage of this very necessary work on the proposed extension to the Controlled Parking Zone. There is no doubt in my mind that in the long term, the benefits of this new scheme will be welcomed by the overwhelming majority of local residents, who have already shown their support for the proposals in the consultation.”

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