East Riding Carers Invited To Get Involved In National Survey

Fostering Event @ Tickton Grange Hotel

Carers in the East Riding are being encouraged to share their views on the help and support available to them as part of a national survey.

The survey has been launched by central government who are trying to gain a better understanding of the needs of unpaid carers across the country as they develop their new Carers Strategy.

Alistair Burt, minister for social care and communities, said: “Carers make an invaluable contribution to society. I have met many brilliant carers who have told me it can be a struggle to keep all the plates spinning and make time for themselves. Through the Government’s new carers’ strategy, we want to support carers to do the best for their loved ones and have a life of their own beyond caring.”

The engagement exercise, which runs from now until 30 June 2016, wants the views of carers and those who support them, including families, employers, clinicians, social care professionals, and educators, about what more can be done to support and help them lead a full life without compromising on their caring responsibilities.

Councillor Richard Harrap, East Riding of Yorkshire Council portfolio holder for adult and carer services, said:

“Carers make an invaluable contribution to the lives of those they care for so it is vital that they too receive the care and support that they need to live their lives to the full while fulfilling their caring roles.

“I would encourage as many people as possible in the East Riding, including unpaid carers and those they care for, to complete this survey and play a part in this gathering of evidence to help shape future policy.”

To complete the survey or to find out more visit the ‘consultations’ section on the Department of Health website at www.gov.uk or follow the link https://socialcare.blog.gov.uk/2016/03/18/carers-strategy-news/

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