‘The Bones of Giants’ is a new free exhibition, opening on 30 April, and running until Saturday 2 July, at Beverley Art Gallery in the Treasure House. It’s a collection of abstract paintings which often draw on local history, legends, geology and personal memory.
Roy uses layers of paint and graphite to build up his paintings, giving a sketchy, unpolished style. He has chosen the name of the exhibition to reflect the common theme of his work, the way the past emerges into the present, from outcrops of rock in the Wolds to First World War battlefields.
Councillor Richard Burton, portfolio holder for civic wellbeing and culture, said: “This promises to be a fascinating exhibition, and it will be good to see abstract paintings in the Art Gallery, and to welcome Roy to Beverley for the workshop.”
Alongside this intriguing exhibition will be an art workshop, ‘On The Road To Abstraction’, held at the Treasure House on Saturday, 21 May, from 10am – 1pm. It is aimed at amateur and developing artists aged 16 plus and costs £15 per person. It will be taught by Roy Cockcroft, who will demonstrate how taking risks with paintings enables people to venture into abstract art.
Beverley Art Gallery is located in the Treasure House, and is free of charge. It is open from Monday – Saturday.