Still Time To Join The ‘Big Conversation’

Still Time To Join The 'Big Conversation'

Planning for end of life will be the topic up for discussion at an information event taking place in Beverley and there is still time to attend.

Organisations and individuals working in end of life care and the funeral sector will be manning an information stand in Wednesday Market, Beverley 10am-2pm on Saturday 14 May as part of Dying Matters Awareness Week (9-15 May).

The aim of the event is to encourage people to talk openly about death and dying and the things that are important to them, in terms of will writing, planning ahead, and making family and friends aware of final wishes.

Under the theme of ‘The Big Conversation’ Dying Matters Awareness Week is a national campaign aiming to raise public awareness of the importance of talking more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and of planning ahead.

Councillor Richard Harrap, East Riding of Yorkshire Council portfolio holder for adult and carer services, said:

“No-one likes to think about getting ill and dying, but not talking about it won’t make it go away, any more than talking about dying will make it happen any sooner.

“We hope this event will encourage people to have the big conversation, to talk openly about death and dying, and to start thinking about final wishes.”

Professionals from a range of agencies will be on hand to answer questions and offer advice, support and guidance, including:

• Macmillan specialist palliative care nurses & social workers
• Dove House Hospice family support team
• East Riding Carers Support Service
• Solicitor
• Welfare rights officer
• Clergy

Jackie Clarkson, Macmillan specialist palliative care social worker who is helping to organise the event added:

“Talking about dying may not be easy, but it could be one of the most important conversations you will ever have.

“There will be lots of information, guidance, and support available at the information stand so everyone is invited to go along, find out more and start having that big conversation.”

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