A public consultation in relation to the future of library services starts today at Beverley Library running until 3 August as the council.
Paper questionnaires will be available at branch libraries, mobile libraries, multi-service centres, Customer Service Centres, East Riding Leisure Centres or can be completed online.
Darren Stevens, head of culture and information, said :
“Our aim is to deliver high quality, modern library and customer services to meet the challenge of serving a mainly rural area at lower cost, whilst still meeting the needs of current and future customers.”
“Our proposal is based on evidence we have compiled in great detail about who uses which of our facilities at which times, and our proposed new opening times, and new timetable for the mobile library, reflect those usage figures.”
“These are challenging times financially, and so savings do have to be made. However, I am confident that these proposals will make our library and customer services more sustainable, whilst continuing to deliver a service not only to our main centres of population but also to our more isolated and vulnerable residents.”
“It is very pleasing that our proposals do not involve significant closures or withdrawals of services, and neither do they involve substituting volunteers for paid library staff or outsourcing the service, unlike many councils across the country.”
“I would encourage anybody who shares our desire for vibrant and modern library and customer services in the East Riding to take part in this consultation and give us their views.”
East Riding of Yorkshire Council say that the proposal will see a further £7.4 million invested in six more multi-service centres including Beverley, would save £1.2M from the annual budget.
Other changes proposed include not using volunteers to run library branches, installing free wifi, retaining a library or multi-service centre in each major town, offering an improved online library catalogue and retaining a mobile library service across the East Riding.
Residents are being encouraged to have their say, a special drop in session will also be held in Beverley on Tuesday 7 June from 3.30 to 6.30PM at The Treasure House.