Armstrong Social Club Events Benefit Local Charity

Armstrong Social Club Events Benefit Local Charity

Armstrongs Social Club have handed a check to Alzheimer’s Society, East Riding after fund raising by its members topped £900 all of which will go to a good local cause.

Sally-Ann Rena from Armstrongs Social Club said;

“We would love to say thank you to the supporters and members of the Club.”

“The money was raised from various events the main one being our fortnightly tea dance ran by volunteers, Paul & Sue Coleman and Linda & Graham Downing.”

“Other funds were raised on our Easter Tombola and our Summer Band night raffle, totalling this huge amount of money from January this year.”

“We are hoping we can hand over another cheque later on in the year.”

“At Armstrongs we have lots to offer the community of Beverley and hope people will support us in the coming months.”

If you would like to find out about our forthcoming Tea Dances and events please visit

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