East Riding Primary Schools Top Of The Class

Tickton Primary School To Hold Open Garden Day

Primary schools in the East Riding have achieved top place in the Yorkshire and Humber region for their Key Stage 2 results for pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.

Initial data released by the Department for Education shows that East Riding schools have continued to build on the successes of previous years, maintaining first place in the region for pupils achieving the standard across all three subjects.

Councillor Julie Abraham, East Riding of Yorkshire Council portfolio holder for children, young people and education, said:

“Schools should be very proud of their achievements this year. To maintain top place in the region in a new style test reflects the hard work and dedication of teachers across the authority.

“The sustained strong performance by our Year 6 pupils is a testament to the health of primary education in the East Riding. I would like to congratulate the children and thank the staff in our schools that have worked so hard to achieve this.”

Fifty three percent of the East Riding’s 11-year-olds achieved this result, compared with 49 per cent in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

The East Riding’s results are in line with the national figure of 53 per cent of schools achieving the standard.

This is the first year that results reflect the new more challenging national curriculum, which was introduced in 2014. Expectations for pupils at the end of Key Stage 2 have been raised, and figures for 2016 are not comparable with those of previous years.

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