Cllr Tom Astell was left frustrated after his proposal to rid Beverley Town Council of Policy Committee was deferred to give councillors more time to study the topic.
The role of the Policy Committee is to manage and oversee the Town Council’s finances and to ratify its spending decisions and currently meets separately.
An animated Cllr Astell said that the precedent had been set that in the last full council meeting they had conducted official business in a single meeting.
Cllr Astell outlining his reasons said;
“We can do our policy meetings at full council meetings as the precedent has been set. We have done it once we can do it for the full year.”
“Within the standing orders it says ‘The council may dissolve a committee at any time’ the council can rescind the policy committee.”
“It would be efficient working. Quite a few other local councils do not have a policy committee. They have a full council and planning committee. Some do not need a planning committee. I personally feel this council does need a planning committee.”
“I am formally proposing to the council that we in with accordance standing orders rescind the scheme of delegation for the policy committee and therefore, dissolve the policy and finance committee.”
Mayor of Beverley Cllr Robert Begnett who chaired the meeting while seeing the value in what was being put forward felt more time was needed before making such a big decision, he said;
“There is a lot of technical detail here. I think if we are going to take a vote on anything that detail needs to be circulated, and a proposal needs to be circulated beforehand.”
“I think that is only reasonable. I don’t think we should move to a vote on this. It’s a major change in the way we make decisions. It is not fair to spring on people at a meeting.”

Cllr Bryan Pearson expressed his views, calling for Cllr Astell to produce a full report detailing his proposal, he said;
“We’re a big town, you (Cllr Astell) liken this to Molescroft or Woodmansey Parish. This town needs a policy committee. I agree with you (Chairman) that it is far too important to just dismiss it tonight.”
“I don’t seem to remember him bringing this forward when certain members of this council were in power, no he brings it forward now to try and lessen the impact of possibly the opposition.”
“But I would say to you this, I agree with you (Chairman) entirely. Never mind the rhetoric from Cllr Astell this is far too important to be discussed here tonight. We need to discuss it over a period of time and then come to a decision, a sensible decision.”
A frustrated Cllr Astell left the meeting early as the Chair concluded they would collate some more information and discuss it again at the next full council meeting.
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