Destination Marketing Organization Outline Their Plans To Market Beverley

Destination Marketing Organization Outline Their Plans To Market Beverley
Destination Marketing Organization Outline Their Plans To Market Beverley

Destination Marketing Organization presented to Beverley Town Council outlining where they are up to with a project that has been set up to promote Beverley.

Wkyeland Group, the firm behind the Flemingate Shopping Centre in Beverley has to date put £20,000 into the group and will pay a further £20,000 into the scheme by October 2016.

David Bird, a member of Destination Marketing Organization group told the council that the formation of DMO came about after ‘a lot of negotiation’ between the Beverley Chamber of Trade and Wkyeland ahead of the development being built.

In these discussions, it was agreed Wkyeland would fund a ‘Private Sector Organisation’ that could market Beverley to both tourists and shoppers with a view to boosting the local economy.

Presenting to Beverley Town Council, Chairman of the DMO Sally Iggulden said;

“It may seem it has been a bit slow to get going but there has been a lot going on in the background. We have a brand, Destination Beverley and a logo that was designed by students from East Riding College.”

“Our aims are to increase footfall, increase awareness of what the town has to offer and to ensure customer service is exceptional to allow for return visitors.”

To make all this happen the DMO will be looking to the community for their input.

They are hoping that individuals, business and other groups come forward with their ideas to make Beverley better with destination driven projects.

“Anyone can apply for funding,” said Sally, “It is matched funding so if a project costs £5K so if approved the applicant would need to put £2.5K in.”

Applying for funding is a never an easy process, to help cut through the red tape and encourage people to apply the DMO will use a platform called Spacehive to manage project applications.

Sally said;

“My main hope is it is an easy mechanism to apply to funding, that is why we are working with Spacehive platform as they make it simple.”

“We hope as many people as possible get involved. We want to hear from communities with things that are nagging them and want to get something done.”

“Projects we will be looking out for are things like signage and ideas that help enhance the town as a destination.”

In order to look to sustain the group for years to come they will turn to bigger businesses within Yorkshire to attract investment which they can use to match fund projects going forward.

Destination Marketing Organization say they are looking to go live in November 2016

The DMO is made up of Sally Iggulden, (Beverley Race Course), David Bird, (Carol Bird Int),
Jeremy Fletcher, (Beverley Minster), Phil Pond, (Scarlet Opus), Graham Tait, (Flemingate), Dominic Gibbons, (Wykeland), Janet Bedford, (Beverley Building Society).

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