With The Royal British Legion’s 2016 Poppy Appeal well under way run and running until Saturday 12th November, Rod Evans, the Acting Chairman wants people to rethink Remembrance.
Speaking about the appeal Mr. Evans, who is overseeing the appeal for North & East Yorkshire said:
“As the 2016 Poppy Appeal gets under way for 2016, The Royal British Legion would like people to ‘rethink Remembrance’ over the next two weeks.”
“The work of the Legion is often associated with the two World Wars and elderly veterans. This year we would like to call on the public to think about members of the Armed Forces community from more recent conflicts, when they wear their poppy.”
“It’s important to remember that there’s a new generation of veterans who need our support as much as our older beneficiaries.”
“When you pin your poppy on or just pause to remember, think of those younger Service men and women from more recent conflicts.”
“As the UKs leading Armed Forces charity, last year through your generosity, we were able to answer over 780,000 confidential requests for help.”
“As our motto above states, we ‘live on’ using the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance and we ask you to wear it to make sure that the memory of all those who made the ultimate sacrifice is never forgotten.”
“We also ask you to wear it with pride as we ‘live on’ to ensure that our Armed Forces community is never disadvantaged because of their service.”
Last year locally the Poppy Appeal Smashes Previous Totals Thanks To Generous Public in Beverley donating an incredible £39,000 from the 200 collecting tins they had located in the Town and surrounding villages.