Tesco appeals for food waste entrepreneurs to join new crowdfunding platform, BackIt. BackIt helps small businesses gain vital funding, in order to bring their food waste-busting products to market.
Hannah McCollum, founder of ChicP, is the first food waste entrepreneur to join the platform, with her hummus made from wonky fruits and vegetables.
A new hummus, made from wasted vegetables is set to take the foodie scene by storm, thanks to its launch on Tesco’s new crowdfunding platform, BackIt.
ChicP is one of five small businesses currently being supported through the scheme which offers the chance to work with a large retailer and scale up ideas, as well as gain advice and from industry experts. The platform showcases new businesses and allows them to campaign for support from the public.
Tesco is now appealing for other food waste entrepreneurs, like Hannah, to join the platform and gain funding for their product in a drive to help reduce food waste in the UK.
Michael Francis, Tesco Business Development Director said:
“We are really excited to welcome ChicP to BackIt and to offer people the chance to support an innovative and brilliant food waste solving business.”
“Food waste is something that Tesco takes very seriously and is an issue that we have a responsibility to work together to solve. It’s businesses like ChicP that will help us do just that.”
“We are now looking for other brilliant food waste businesses to come forward and help us fight food waste. There’s room for many more on the platform and the BackIt team can offer you the help and support you need to bring your product to life.”
Tesco has committed that no food that is safe for human consumption will go to waste in its UK stores by the end of 2017. It was the first retailer to publish third party assured food waste data.
Hannah said:
“I hate wasting food, and I know I’m not the only one. Creating ChicP has enabled me to combine my desire to reduce food waste with being able to produce delicious, healthy hummus.”
“I can’t wait to see where my business goes from here and hope that other people who want to help stop food waste come forward and turn their food waste busting dreams, into tomorrow’s solutions!”
Hannah is seeking to raise £5,000 via BackIt to help grow ChicP further. Funding will enable her to create a great marketing campaign to help ChicP expand, increase sales and awareness.
To invest in ChicP, or to find out how you can get your own food waste busting business on to BackIt go to www.tesco.com/backit