Disgraced Councillor, Dominic Peacock has written back to East Riding of Yorkshire Council making it clear he has no intention of resigning despite calls for him to do so.
Cllr Peacock who made offensive and distasteful remarks in relation to a fund set up to raise money for the family of the assassinated MP Jo Cox says residents in his ward, Minster and Woodmansey do not want him to resign.
Both East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Beverley Town Council have asked for him to quit his role following the remarks that have brought great embarrassment to not only him, the local Conservative Party but also the town winder town.
Support for his actions has been very small publicly from fellow councillors while there has been an overwhelming feeling among the people of Beverley that his remarks warrant him stepping down.
In his letter Cllr Peacock who is paid thousands of pounds every year in allowances as councillor says ‘Everyone has banged their self righteous drums for so long’ and the only people he will listen to are the people who live in Minster and Woodmansey.
Cllr Peacock has been given a temporary ban from the Conservative Party and also lost other roles he held in public office. However despite his remarks he has held on to his role as both a town councillor and a Eat Riding of Yorkshire Council.
His cruel words led to some national news papers branding him the ‘Most Vile Tory in Britain’ and East Riding of Yorkshire Council making a donation to the MPs fund.
MP Graham Stuart at the time said he supported his suspension from the Conservative Group though has stopped short at calling for him to resign.
His letter is yet another example of the apathy of man whose actions have led to Beverley Town Council calling for all staff and public servants to be trained to use social media at the expense of the Tax Payer.
Some suspect Cllr Peacock will in fact stand at the next election and when his suspension from the Conservative Party expires he will rejoin their ranks.
Copy of the letter sent to East Riding of Yorkshire Council