The Really, Really Wild Day At The Treasure House, With Ben Shires

The Really, Really Wild Day At The Treasure House, With Ben Shires
The Really, Really Wild Day At The Treasure House, With Ben Shires

The Really Really Wild Day on Saturday 18 February at the Treasure House, Beverley, from 10am to 3pm, will be a free fun day for all ages at the start of the school half-term holiday.

It will be a chance to visit the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition in Beverley Art Gallery, and see a great deal more besides, and will include a guest appearance from CBBC presenter Ben Shires (presenter of Officially Amazing), from Beverley, who will give talks and entertain visitors with true tales about some amazing and remarkable animals from around the world.

The family fun day will feature a lifelike, fully animated polar bear and his herder. The herder will tell visitors about polar bears, their habitat and the threats they face, while the bear tentatively sniffs and interacts with the crowd. He will only be in attendance on this one big day!

The Really Really Wild Day will also feature a number of small animals to be handled by visitors throughout the day, such as a snake, rabbit, guinea pig, giant stick insect and a giant millipede.

Visitors will also meet Professor Bumble the Badger and Headmistress Miss Nutella Nutkins of the Acorn Academy with their little gyspy cart. They are coming to the Treasure House and Art Gallery on a field trip collecting wildlife objects for their show and tell collection. They will amuse children, families and visitors as they pop into the gallery during the day and also venture into the town centre briefly.

Children can also have a go at some wildlife inspired quick-make crafts which will be going on throughout the event in the education room. There will also be facepainting and temporary tattoos for young visitors.

Education officer Sarah Hammond said:

“The Really Really Wild Day will showcase the exhibition, and I hope it will bring people of all ages in to the Treasure House. Come and have fun and find out more about everything the exhibition –and the rest of the Treasure House – has to offer!”

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at Beverley Art Gallery is one of the key East Riding events in Hull UK City of Culture 2017 (in which East Riding of Yorkshire Council is a Principal Partner).

Staff at the Treasure House in Beverley have organised a range of fun family events, fascinating talks and captivating workshops to support this free, world-renowned exhibition, which runs until 22 April.

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