Parents Need To Consider Options When Selecting A Primary School

Parents Need To Consider Options When Selecting A Primary School
Parents Need To Consider Options When Selecting A Primary School

As the Molescroft area continues to expand with all the new housing, the local primary school is having to turn down places for families living in its local catchment area.

Local ward Councillor, Denis Healy, asked County Hall education officials  for a report on school place demand at Molescroft primary school, and discovered that 85% of applications made for a place at the school  over the last 4 months have been unsuccessful. 

Cllr Healy said:

“Families living in the Molescroft Primary School catchment area were telling me that they had been unsuccessful in getting a place for their child at the school, and so I decided to investigate the issue in more detail, asking the Council to let me have the current position on primary school admissions in Beverley and Molescroft.

“Molescroft Primary School received applications for 20 places across all year groups between September 2016 to January 2017, and was only able to offer 3 places. 17 of those 20, applications were unsuccessful, and most of those without a place live within the Molescroft catchment area. 

“This doesn’t really come as a surprise. Local people have major concerns about the impact on infrastructure caused by the relentless development of Beverley that this Council has committed itself to. However, it’s also important for parents to realise that there is alternative provision at other local primary schools.

“A significant number of applications from families who have moved into the Molescroft catchment area have been allocated alternative schools in Beverley, many of which have spare capacity. There are also good primary schools just a couple of miles up the road from Molescroft in Cherry Burton and Leconfield.”

“Primary school admissions are handled by the Council. If the catchment area school is full, and there are places available in another school within a reasonable walking distance, the child is offered a place at the alternative school. Reasonable walking distance is deemed by the Council to be 2 miles for a child aged seven and under, and 3 miles for a child aged eight and over. “

“Parents can name three school preferences on their application form, and will be allocated to the first school that has places available. Parents should also check whether their child is eligible for free school transport.”

“I am delighted that we have such a great school as Molescroft Primary in our area, but with 427 pupils, it has exceeded its normal capacity, and parents should also consider other good local primary schools that have capacity. These include St John’s , Swinemoor, St Nicholas, Beverley Minster, St Mary’s, Cherry Burton and Leconfield.”

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