Commissioner Keith Hunter Publishes His Strategy For Local Policing

Commissioner Keith Hunter Publishes His Strategy For Local Policing
Commissioner Keith Hunter Publishes His Strategy For Local Policing

Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter has published his first Police and Crime Plan, setting out his strategic aims for the community safety landscape in the Humberside Force area for the next four years.

With 35 years experience Mr. Hunter says that he will be drawing on all his knowledge and experience to deliver the best service possible when it comes to policing.

Introducing his Plan, Keith Hunter said:

“This is my first Police and Crime Plan following my election as Police and Crime Commissioner for the Humberside Police area in May 2016. The Police and Crime Plan of my predecessor covers the period April 2013 to March 2017 and it is my duty to produce another covering the period April 2017 to March 2021.

“As an elected representative of the people I have a duty to act as an advocate for the public I represent.

That does not mean merely acting as a conduit for complaints about policing delivery, but interpreting the experiences of the public and partners and planning strategic approaches that will lead to sustainable improvements in service delivery, whilst ensuring the style of delivery matches, as closely as possible, public expectation.

“I have 35 years of experience working within criminal justice agencies domestically and internationally and will apply my knowledge and understanding to get the best service possible for the people of this area. Public bodies have faced years of funding cuts and the police are no exception. Services have had to adapt and change as a result but reduced funding in public services does eventually have consequences.”

“Those who receive services feel the effects.”

“The current financial outlook remains challenging for policing and bleak for local authorities and so a key challenge for service providers is to maintain the confidence and support of the public during this period of significant change.”

“The dangers of a disenchanted and disenfranchised population are well evidenced and confidence is hard won and easily lost. For that reason, my Plan addresses the broad challenge of securing and maintaining public confidence whilst working to deliver services to the public that meet their needs.”

“Delivering community safety is a hugely complex endeavour involving not just the police but many different statutory and voluntary agencies, as well as the public themselves, so the approach adopted cannot be simplistic. The leaders entrusted with delivering community safety together should be clear though, about what we want to achieve and how we will work towards it.”

“The overall approach of this plan is to encourage the changes that are the key to delivering better results. Merely trying harder with potentially fewer resources will inevitably lead to failure. So, this Police and Crime Plan does not identify simplistic or populist solutions, it does not illustrate the complexity of delivery or attempt to list all activities the police will carry out; it is focused on promoting long-term improvement in service to the public.”

The Plan can be viewed online at:

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