Hard Work During Summer Holidays Earns Trip To Flamingo Land

Hard Work During Summer Holidays Earns Trip To Flamingo Land
Hard Work During Summer Holidays Earns Trip To Flamingo Land

After a summer of hard work, Freedom Five have won a trip to Flamingo Land as runners up in Humberside Police’s Lifestyle Project.

Freedom Five consisted of five Beverley girls whose project aim was to get kids off technology. The girls Millie, Laura, Chloe, Holly and Aimee had fun raising funds throughout their school holidays.

“It was hard work but a lot of fun to do, and we didn’t expect to win anything.” Holly said,  “I’m really looking forward to going to Flamingo Land with my friends.”

Their efforts including a stall at Beverley N.U.R.S.E Raft Race, and bag packing at Tesco.

With the generosity from the people and businesses of Beverley, the girls were able to hold a disco with a professional DJ at Armstrong’s Social Club at the end of the summer holidays.

As part of the project the girls had to keep a record of their plans, all the events they took part in and how they attributed the money.

Lifestyle, set up in 1989, is designed to challenge young people to get involved with their communities, using their spare time to make a real difference.

The now annual project is about more than diverting young people from crime and antisocial behaviour, but about inspiring them to get involved in their community in a positive way.

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