Complementary therapists in Hull and East Yorkshire are invited to the launch of a new networking group, East Yorkshire Chamber of Complementary Therapists (EYCCT) on Wednesday 12 April from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Hallmark Hotel, North Ferriby.
The monthly programme of events aims to provide a supportive environment with learning and networking opportunities. Each event includes two guest speakers, whose experience and suggestions aims to help improve complementary therapy businesses.
The event on 12 April will include talks from Rachael Alexander aka. “The Courage Queen”, sharing her tips for boosting confidence, and clinical hypnotherapist, Sheila Granger who will explain how collaborating with other therapists is essential to business growth and survival.
Sheila Granger is part of a small group who has set up EYCCT. She says:
“Many complementary therapists work within their own social circles and find it difficult to break out and reach a wider audience.”
“I have found though that therapists who work together, promoting one another’s service will enjoy much better business. At our first event I will explain how a simple system can be put in place for referrals to other treatments including reflexology, aromatherapy, Reiki, massage, and much more.”
Tickets for the event are £10 and can be booked via Eventbrite by clicking here.