Some dog owners across the East Riding are breaking the law by failing to keep the details on their dogs’ microchip up to date.
It’s a year since the new law came into force which requires all dogs to be microchipped with the correct details and since April 2016, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s dog warden team have prosecuted six owners and issued 64 notices to amend details or have the dog chipped.
On 5 April, 2017, three owners appeared at Beverley Magistrates Court all charged with failure to have their dog correctly microchipped as required by the microchipping of dogs (England) regulations 2015.
Andrew Jewitt of Trinity Road, Bridling was fined £440, given costs of £210.12 and a victim surcharge of £44.
Lindsay Larman of Baptist Place, Bridlington was fined £440, given costs of £210.12 and victim surcharge of £44.
David Mark, of Maple Cottages, Broadgate, Walkington was fined £440, given costs of £294.65 and a victim surcharge of £44.
On 29 March, 2017, David Gill of New Burlington Road, Bridlington failed to appear at Beverley Magistrates Court where he was also facing the same charge of failing to keep the details on his dog’s microchip up to date.
The case was proved in his absence and he was fined £60, given costs of £210 and a victim surcharge of £30.
Two more dog owners were prosecuted by the council in December.
David Howliston, environmental control manager at East Riding of Yorkshire Council said:
“These owners could have quite easily avoided a court appearance and heavy fines if they had just updated the details on the microchip.
“Not only is it a quick and simple process, which costs around £16 – significantly less than the fines and costs imposed by the courts, but these owners would have had a number of chances to update the microchip before being taken to court.
“The council does not provide microchips but organisations such as the RSPCA and The Dogs’ Trust, as well as local vets quite regularly have events where dogs can be microchipped for little or no cost.
“Having dogs microchipped and the details all kept up to date means that should the dog get lost from its owner our dog wardens can reunite people with their pets quickly and easily reducing stress for both owners and animal.”