Distinctive Taxi Livery To Be Rolled Out Across The East Riding

East Riding Taxis Branded With New Green and White Livery
East Riding Taxis Branded With New Green and White Livery

A scheme which will brand taxis with distinctive white and green livery is to be rolled out across the East Riding.

For the last three months, a number of hackney carriage operators have been working alongside East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s licensing team to take part in a pilot scheme which has seen white taxis branded with green markings and displaying a green Yorkshire rose symbol.

So far, there are 18 vehicles operating from ranks across the East Riding with the new livery and the positive feedback has led the council to implement the scheme county-wide.

Tina Holtby, licensing manager at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said:

“Since we launched the pilot scheme earlier this year we have received so much positive feedback from both the taxi trade and the public as the vehicles look smart and professional.

“Those vehicles that already have the livery are now so easy to recognise and that is making customers feel safer while some of the drivers are reporting an increase in custom and positive customer feedback.

“For those drivers who already have a licence, they will be expected to have the livery branding on the vehicles by the end of 2019 or as they replace their taxis.

“Anyone applying for a new taxi licence from May 2017 will have to have the branding as part of the application process but there are funding options available to assist drivers.”

The roll-out of the scheme will start in May and will be a gradual process. It is expected that by the end 2019 all the 136 hackney carriages that operate within the East Riding will have the new livery in place. There will be funding options available for drivers to assist with this.

The new livery, which was consulted on with the hackney carriage trade is aims to:

– improve identification – the vehicle can be clearly identified as a taxi
– enhance security and safety – customers can be confident that the taxi is properly licensed and meets the necessary safety standards
– promote safeguarding – particularly on journeys involving the transportation of children and vulnerable adults
– increase trade – other authorities who run similar schemes report customers are happier to hail a liveried taxi rather than taking the chance on one with no clear livery
– create a local identity
– provide a more professional service – a local livery, along with clear driver training and vehicle standards help create a more professional service
– enable easier enforcement – taxi drivers raise regular concerns about the loss of trade to alleged touting by private hire vehicles and taxis licensed to other areas so clear livery makes enforcement much easier.


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