Young Voters Matter – Why I Am Voting Labour In The Election

Young Voters Matter - Why I Am Voting Labour In The Election
Young Voters Matter – Why I Am Voting Labour In The Election

Harvey Rann who is 19 says he will be voting Labour in election and not re-electing a government who he says are intent on keeping the poor on their knees.

Mr. Rann, a former student at Longcroft School who is currently studying law and will be voting for the second time in his life.

Despite coming from Beverley, one of the most desirable places in the UK to live, he is still thinking about the bigger picture and interestingly the impact his vote could have on others.

Speaking to he explained why, on 8 June he will be voting for Labour, he said;

“Labour are the party that I think have the best policies. They are a party that would be dedicated to saving the NHS which is hugely important. They’ve also pledged to increase taxes for the top 5% of earners while defending people who earn under £80,000 a year which I think is a realistic shift away from austerity.”

“Considering that it was the banks that got us into this mess in the first place it’s good that Labour have promised to regulate them harder. The main reason however is probably the state of the current government.”

“The Tories have been in power long enough and they haven’t managed to do any of the major things they promised except hold an EU referendum which hasn’t really gone that well.  It doesn’t matter what side of the debate you are on is anyone really happy with the way negotiations are going at the moment?”

Michael Howard said we might go to war with Spain, how hysterical is that?”

“Under the Tories we’ve seen life expectancy decrease, food bank usages and poverty increase, suicides are up. All in the name of creating a surplus through austerity none of which has worked as the country is in record debt. Where did all the money go?”

“Tax cuts which help the rich such as the inheritance tax cut which disproportionately helps rich families in the South East. This is a government that sent people letters saying they were fit to work when they were dead! It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so disgusting.”

“Quite frankly we need a change and Jeremy Corbyn is not a flawless man but he’s a damn sight better than keeping a government that would see the NHS sell itself off and keep the poorest on their knees. As for strong and stable as a government?” 

“Two head senior spin doctors resigning when May announced the election doesn’t exactly scream stable to me.”

In our next interview we will look at how as young person starting out in the world Mr. Rann sees the country going and how he feels his future will be post election.

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This article has 4 Comments

  1. Staggeringly full of inaccuracies, predjudices and unfounded conclusions. I thought the young where supposed to me well – informed.

  2. Be good if you could expand on what you see as not being correct. This young man makes some very valid points. I think many people will say this young man is very well informed and shows immense compassion to others.

  3. That first comment is typical of the way the Conservatives conduct themselves time and time again. Demonise the opposition, belittle, attack, condemn. Never anything positive, and why, because there is so little that’s positive to say. Job figures are massaged, the NHS is broken, schools are being forced to ask parents to fund them, there’s a shortage of housing, land and property ownership guarantees wealth for a few but nothing but misery for others, zero-hour contracts, a nasty, vindicative set of American multi-nats running all aspects of the welfare state and local authorities, students forced into debt, most of which will never be paid off, no decent work for the young, no strategic long-term planning, and as for the Brexit farce, well … Etc etc. A vote for Tory is a vote against fairness. Well done Harvey lad.

  4. Ok here’s just a few:

    1. The country is not in record debt. Net PSB to GDP is massively down and is the surest indicator of how close we are to living within our means. Getting debt down is painful, but ‘debt’ is far more painful especially for the vulnerable, low paid and those in need of essential services that require public spending. ONS Chart here:×447.png

    2. Before we think that hitting successful people with extra tax for social programmes is the simple answer because it makes people who earn less more happy or has some kind of moral dimension its worth reading the most recent independent academic study into this policy to understand the poverty it actually brings through depressing the economy: Ref:

    3. Conservatives keep the poorest on their knees? Hmm even Harvey must realise that a job is the best route out of poverty the Tories have created well over 2 million jobs. Also striking how youth unemployment is down drastically – compare this to the EU where its 35% and 50% in some countries. The popular myth they are all zero hours is impossible. in 2016 there where 800k on them – less than 1%. Not to mention people who prefer to be on them. ONS chart:

    I could go on. Although unreferenced rants using words like ‘we need a change’ are cute, they hardly merit a news article. If anything the headline should read – no wonder so few young people vote, they have no facts.

    Its capitalism, not socialism that lifts people from poverty – since 1990 its done that for nearly a billion people globally and is the best chance for protecting the vulnerable who are reliant on services provided through taxation like the NHS and Education -that to me seems like a more realistic ‘bigger picture’ young Harvey could take? old but worth a read:

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