Yorkshire Party candidate Lee Walton says the key goal of their party is to give the county a voice by forming its own regional parliament.
Mr. Walton who will be standing for the Yorkshire Party in Beverley and Holderness in the 2017 general election on 8 June believes this would help tackle the divide between the North and the South.
He said;
“We are standing 21 candidates in seats across the region on 8 June. The key aspect of our manifesto is that we want to give Yorkshire a voice, through the formation of its own parliament or assembly, with powers devolved from Westminster in much the same way as Scotland, Wales and even London have.”
“After all, Yorkshire has a population greater than Scotland, and an economy greater than Wales, so this isn’t really an unreasonable request. This would help tackle the North / South divide, where currently primary school pupils in the North receive £3900 less per head than students in London.”
“Our manifesto covers topics in a number of areas, but there are two areas where I have particular concerns. The first is health. Under both the Labour Party and the Conservatives, we have seen an insidous privatisation by stealth through the use of PFI contracts.”
“The recent announcement by the East Riding CCG to close or downgrade our area’s MIUs is appallingly short sighted and ignores the rural nature of our region, and the knock-on effect the decision will have. The lack of local accountability by CCGs across the country needs to be addressed.”
“The second area where I am really concerned is over the industrialisation of the Holderness. Under a Conservative government, a developer will be able to sink an exploratory well anywhere they fancy under ‘permitted development’ to see if the site would be suitable for fracking.”
“We’re already seeing an increase in anaerobic digesters, along with the additional movement in vehicles to these sites. Many would argue that our countryside is now blighted with wind turbines and solar fields because there is no strategy for where they should be sited. Although I support renewable energy, we need a plan, a strategy.”
“Our manifesto also covers areas such as education spending, infrastructure, and more, and I would invite people to read our manifesto which viewed online.
There is an alternative to the national parties. We can make a difference. We just need your vote!
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