East Riding Theatre To Mark Yorkshire Day With Yorkshire Eve Celebration

East Riding Theatre To Mark Yorkshire Day With Yorkshire Eve Celebration
East Riding Theatre To Mark Yorkshire Day With Yorkshire Eve Celebration

Now then! Yorkshire folk are proud of their county, and rightly so, given all the wonderful things we’ve given the rest of the world. And a new tradition, fast catching on locally, is celebrating all that’s best about God’s Own County.

Last year, Beverley’s East Riding Theatre celebrated Yorkshire Day (August 1st), on Yorkshire Day Eve – just like we celebrate New Year’s Eve.

The event was an evening of music, song, poetry, anecdotes and lots and lots of fun.

This year it’s back again, continuing on what is expected to be a long tradition, which may spread throughout Yorkshire – we hope so!

The event this year on Monday 31st July (on the Eve of Yorkshire Day) will contain a similar vibrant mix of events, plus a special competition based around the book “The Yorkshire Meaning of Liff” by Joe Moorwood.

The book was Inspired by John Lloyd’s and Douglas Adams’ cult-classic “The Meaning of Liff”, first published 30 years ago, “The Yorkshire Meaning of Liff” recycles the lesser known place names of God’s Own County and twins them with all things in life there should be words for (aka ‘liffs’).

The competition gives members of the audience a chance to have their own go at giving some Yorkshire place names a meaning in life. Who knows, it may encourage a second edition of the book to be produced!

Those performing at the event are local author, poet and artist, Robin Dermond Horspool; singers and musicians Peter and Rose Fletcher and Jessica Lawson and Phil Simpson; the newly-formed East Riding Choir; theatre director Tom Wilders; and local actor Gordon Meredith, and of course for the grand finale of Yorkshire’s Anthem – On Ilkla Moor Baht’at – the audience.

Given the wealth of foodie delicacies we’re all so proud of (think Yorkshire Pudding, Yorkshire Tea, Henderson’s Relish, the Hull Pattie to name but a few), a light Yorkshire bite is included in the ticket price – which is just a mere £12.50 for a whole evening’s fun.

Bring your flat caps – well behaved whippets accepted.

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