James Ash a former pupil at Longcroft school returned with For Entrepreneurs Only who delivered a Business Master Class to students.
For Entrepreneurs Only are a local network of business people who through regular events and initiatives aim to inform, motivate, educate, inspire and support others.
James, who runs STASH Agency, a fashion, events and marketing agency joined 11 other FEO members in delivering talks and workshops to students.
Speaking about the day James said;
“For me personally the FEO Master Class in Business is about inspiring and trying to make a difference for the next generation of business.”
“We work with many schools and colleges in the area, it just so happened this used to be my school so I have a kind of close relationship and history with this school so am quite passionate about delivering and actually quite proud to come back.”
James left Longcroft School in 1998, he completed his GCSE’s before moving onto the Bishop Burton College.
Back when he was sat in the same hall when he was speaking he never thought he would go on to have his own business.
James said;
“Things like what we are doing today were not around when I was at school.”
“When I was here I thought you needed to be super intelligent and do business at university, which was never on the cards for me. I did not realise there was an alternative path into business.”
“Through events like this we look to engage and captivate the next generation of business.”
“Students get real business insights from local business owners who have given up their time for the students today.”
“If we are able to show students that business could be for them. Likewise it show that for some students that business is not for them. “
“This is equally as powerful as we don’t want people thinking business is easy and losing thousands of pounds and feeling unhappy.”