Commuted Sums Buys Play Equipment In Holme On Spalding Moor

Commuted Sums Money Buys New Play Equipment In Holme On Spalding Moor
Commuted Sums Money Buys New Play Equipment In Holme On Spalding Moor

Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council have received £31,000 in commuted sums to spend on improvements to the play area located on the village playing field. The new equipment will be officially opened on Saturday 5 August.

Developers are required to provide Outdoor Playing Space (OPS) as part of all new residential developments above a certain size.

This requirement is highlighted in the East Riding Local Plan, supported by the Supplementary Planning Document.

Outdoor Playing Space is specified as space that is available for sport, active recreation or children’s play. The space must be of a suitable size and design for its intended purpose, accessible and available to the general public.

When a developer cannot provide this within the development itself, a sum of money known as a commuted sum may be paid in lieu of this, by the developer entering into an agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The money comes from a development on Sands Lane by Chevin Housing Group.

The Parish Council consulted with local residents and school children on the play equipment they would prefer to see, and a scheme was put together by a local business, Tom Matthews Play Equipment.

The items include a zip wire, outdoor gym equipment, toddler equipment and a teenage tango swing.

The play equipment will have its official opening on Saturday 5 August from 10am – 12noon, and East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Sport, Play and Arts Service will be in attendance, offering a play session to accompany the opening.

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