Residents in Molescroft who were promised a consultation by East Riding Council on yellow lines on their streets, have been left frustrated after being told by the Council that they will have to wait 18 months for anything to be done, and that even then it might not happen.
In April, residents of Orchard Garth, Orchard Close and Woodhall Way approached their ward councillors with a petition calling for yellow lines on their streets because of continual problems with cars parking and blocking access on Orchard Garth and restricting access for emergency services, delivery vehicles and refuse collection lorries.
The junction of Orchard Garth and Woodhall Way is a particular problem spot with vehicles parked illegally causing visibility issues for vehicles entering and exiting the junctions in both directions.
Cllr Denis Healy, Ward Councillor for St Mary’s ward said:
“The irony of this situation is that in May, ward councillors received a letter from the Council’s Area Engineer for Highway Maintenance, saying that there was an issue at the junction of Orchard Garth and Woodhall Way, with cars parking in contravention of the Highway Code, and that the Council would like to provide parking restrictions following a consultation with residents.”
“I gave my full support to this proposal, as did Molescroft Parish Council, and the residents handed in a petition which confirmed that they would welcome this.”
“In July, about 20 residents attended Molescroft Parish Council, asking when work was likely to start, as they were hoping that it would be ready for the end of the summer holidays when the schools started again.”
“It has come as a bit of a shock, therefore, to receive notification from the Council that a decision to proceed “depends on the outcome of consultations with residents,” even though the residents have made their feelings very clear, and that it could take about 18 months, depending on funding.”
“Residents are fed up of being messed around by the Council over this. There is a very clear problem with illegally parked vehicles at this junction, and there is an accident waiting to happen. The Council have accepted
this, but are now fobbing people off with reasons for it not to happen.”
“It’s about time that East Riding of Yorkshire Council started listening to the people they are meant to be serving and their elected representatives, including the Parish Councils and Ward Councillors.”
“It is very frustrating that we are all just expected tom accept that officers make the decisions, and that schemes like this will happen only when officers are good and ready.”