On Wednesday 4 October Alex Beard, Chief Executive of the Royal Opera House, and Peter Mather, BP Group Regional President for Europe and Head of Country UK will share insights into the running of two of the world’s leading organisations.
Hosted by Martin Green, Hull UK City of Culture’s Chief Executive and Director, Alex and Peter will explore the synergies between the two companies that may appear to have little in common but have enjoyed a long-standing relationship for almost 30 years.
Find out what keeps these two leaders awake at night and what they wish they’d known when they first started in their respective roles.
Alex Beard was appointed Chief Executive of the Royal Opera House in 2013 following 19 years at Tate where he was Deputy Director since 2002. With a life-long love of opera and a passionate enthusiasm for ballet, Alex describes his role as his dream job.
Peter Mather was appointed Head of Country, UK in January 2004. His job then expanded to include the role of Regional President for Europe in 2010.
Peter’s career in BP has included oil trading, refining and shipping, in London, New York, Paris and Brussels; senior strategic planning roles, initially in BP’s upstream Global Gas group, and then in the Corporate Centre; and responsibility for BP’s Gas & Power business in the UK.
The BP Cultural Visions Lecture Series offers the opportunity to listen to the challenges and the obstacles faced by some of the UK’s leading creative and business figures, how this shaped them into the people they are today and to be part of the conversation around a cultural vision for the future.
Featuring varied and prominent speakers, this is a fresh space to investigate and celebrate innovation and passion. A collaboration between BP and the University of Hull, it is designed to spark cultural conversation with monthly lectures throughout 2017.
The event will take place at 6.30pm on Wednesday 4 October in Middleton Hall at the University of Hull as part of the BP Cultural Visions Lecture Series.
Book online at: hull2017.co.uk/culturalvisions and culturenet.co.uk