A Beverley primary school is celebrating after being judged as ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted inspectors.
Keldmarsh Primary School, which was previously described as ‘good’, is now outstanding in all areas following its recent inspection.
One child told the visiting inspectors: “Our school is the best ever”.
The inspectors found that the headteacher and deputy headteacher have an ‘exceptionally strong vision for the future of the school’, which is shared by staff and governors.
Their report found that senior leaders constantly strive to ensure that the school provides the very best for pupils and their parents and their focused approach has led to a year-on-year improvement in pupils’ outcomes.
Leaders are given wholehearted backing of the governors in their aim to make the school the best it can be.
Teachers and teaching assistants work very closely together as a team, planning work which meets the needs of pupils well, and as a result the children often make exceptional progress across the curriculum.
Disadvantaged pupils also make excellent progress, from a range of starting points.
Pupils are said to have highly caring attitudes, which is evident from the exceptionally polite way they greet visitors to the school, and their behaviour is described as ‘exemplary’.
The headteacher, Carol Tomkinson, said: “All our school community richly deserves this outstanding judgement.
“The school is driven by the determination to provide the very best possible teaching and learning opportunities for all the pupils, without ever losing sight of the caring and supportive ethos that makes our school’s learning environment so rich.
“We are thrilled that the inspection team recognised the tireless hard work, commitment, dedication and diligent professionalism that occur every day across our school, and I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making our school outstanding.”
Councillor Julie Abraham, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s portfolio holder for children, young people and education, said:
“What an exceptional report about what is clearly an exceptional school.
“From the minute that both staff and children enter the school for the first time they are welcomed and nurtured and those pupils with additional needs have resources targeted to meet their needs so that they make excellent progress alongside their peers.”
“Congratulations to the staff, governors, pupils and their parents and carers as reports like this do not come about without lots of hard work.”